Engine Driver Android Throttle for WiThrottle and DCC-EX Servers

This site supports my Android application, Engine Driver [View on Google Play].  This is a native Android app which runs as a network "client" to a WiThrottle Server or a DCC-EX Server, utilizing multiple threads to keep UI responsive while handling communications in background.  It communicates via TCP/IP sockets, and uses the Bonjour protocol to "discover" WiThrottle servers.  Runs on all Android versions, from 1.6 up to the latest "pad" versions. Full source is available on GitHub [view source].
This app provides full control of a model railroad, multiple locos, powered routes and turnouts etc.  It serves as a fully-featured replacement for expensive proprietary hardware throttles (both wired and wireless).

The EngineDriver site provides documentation for the app, links to download the app (from the Android Play Store and directly), and a contact point for support questions.

The site was built on Drupal 8.x using the Bootstrap theme, running on my DigitalOcean debian server. I've since upgraded it to Drupal 9.x.

Engine Driver Android Throttle for WiThrottle Servers